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Gastvortrag von Özden Sahin

20. November 2012, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Özden Sahin im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series.

Setting Up Collaborative Curatorial and Publishing Platforms for Digital Media:
The Cases of ISEA2011, Kasa Gallery and Leonardo Electronic Almanac

This lecture presents a case study on the current workings of curatorial and editorial platforms for digital art and media through the story of a two-year collaboration between ISEA2011 Istanbul (The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art), Sabanci University Kasa Gallery and the Leonardo Electronic Almanac.

ISEA2011 Istanbul was the 17th edition of the leading international art and technology festival ISEA (International Symposium on Electronic Art). ISEA2011 Istanbul had a conference and an exhibition program. The conference program took place with 1400 participants, offering a rich program with a wide range of themes. The festival’s exhibitions titled ISEA2011: Uncontainable featured the work of more than 100 artists.

Kasa Gallery is a non-profit fine art gallery which is part of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabanci University. The aim of the gallery is to support the experimental approaches in fine art and contemporary digital media. The gallery has also recently launched an artist residency program in order to support the work of young artists.

Leonardo Electronic Almanac (LEA), the electronic arm of the art journal Leonardo, is a peer-reviewed academic publication focusing on the convergence of art, science and technology. LEA is jointly produced by Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST), and supported by The MIT Press.

With an aim to develop research based outputs in the field of digital art and media, these platforms have collaborated and developed a series of partnerships with institutions all around the world. This lecture gives a behind the scenes insight into the workings of such collaborative work in the field.

Özden Şahin
was born in 1986. She received a BA at Bogazici University in 2007 and an MA at Sabanci University in 2009. Her MA thesis Censorship on Visual Arts and Its Political Implications in Contemporary Turkey: Four Case Studies from 2002-2009 sought to explore cultural manifestations of recent art censorship in Turkey through the narratives provided by artists. Her main areas of interest are visual culture and curating digital art. Since 2009, she has been working at the peer-reviewed academic journal Leonardo Electronic Almanac (ISAST/Leonardo, The MIT Press) as the Co-Editor. She has been involved in the set up of LEA’s publication schedule and exhibition platforms for its re-vamp. She is currently also the Vice-Director and Curator at Sabanci University Kasa Gallery in Istanbul, delivering the annual exhibition program and catalog publications. In 2011, she was the Conference and Program Director of ISEA2011 Istanbul: The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art, the leading world conference and exhibition for art, media and technology. As one of the two chief organizers of the festival, she developed and realized the exhibition, event and publication programs of ISEA2011.
