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Gastvortrag von
Prof. Urs Hirschberg

4. April 2011 um 14.00 Uhr Interface Cultures, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Prof. Hirschberg spricht zum Thema "no_LAb experiments - movement, gestures und sensors in architectural design".

The no_LAb, the media laboratory of the institute of architecture and media of TU Graz is a high-tech playground, used for experimenting with the augmentation of architecture through digital media. In this talk a selection of projects conducted at the no_LAb is presented that give some insight into the teaching and research of the institute.

Urs Hirschberg is professor for the representation of architecture and new media at Graz University of Technology. He is founding director of the institute of architecture and media and dean of the architecture faculty. He holds an architecture diploma and a doctorate of ETH Zurich. Before joining the faculty of TU Graz he was (until 2000) research assistant and lecturer at the chair of architecture and CAAD at ETH Zurich and then for three years assistant professor of design computing at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. He is a founding editor of GAM, the Graz Architecture Magazine and a council member of EAAE, the European Association of Architectural Education. His research interest is Augmented Architecture: to explore the ways in which the use of new media can enhance architectural design and production and augment our built environment.


"no LAb Ghosts"

Prof. Urs Hirschberg