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Sculptural Performances of Information's Power

15. März 2012, 19.00 Uhr Seminarraum Medientheorien, Werk III, Reindlstraße 16-18, 2. OG

Gastvortrag von Paolo Cirio, eine Veranstaltung der Studienrichtung Zeitbasierte und Interaktive Medien.

Guestlecture from Paolo Cirio, who investigates perception and the creation of cultural, political and economic realities manipulated by modes of control over information's power.

Key facts:

2011 He stole one million profiles from Facebook.com and republished them, reordered by facial expressions, on a mock dating website. Many mass media covered the performance and related legal threats.

2010 He issued and spread thousands of credit cards, counterfeiting virtual money in order to introduce wealth redistribution through a new visionary economic model.

2010 He branded and promoted a firm that exploits sea level rise in NYC. Meanwhile, he created characters who fight for climate change justice, triggering a 'fiction' that was manifested in reality.

2009 He cloned the identity of a Russian spy on social networks. By this espionage activity, he created a 'fiction' scattered over several media channels.

2007 He created a online platform to debug the script of Security Theater, the PSYOPS program about anti terrorism measures in international airports.

2007 He spread thousands of misquotations by the most famous historic human figures, through publishing a website of quotes remixed with different authors.

2006 He hacked and stole digital books from Amazon.com and redistributed them for free. The corporation had to give embarrassing explanations to the media.

2005 He created phony networks with robots to fraud Google.com AD Sense service. The corporation sent a desist letter in an attempt to stop the action.


Vortrag in englischer Sprache

Paolo Cirio