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James Dyson Award 2022

Der James Dyson Award ist ein internationaler Designpreis, der die nächste Generation von Design-Ingenieuren feiert, ermutigt und inspiriert. Er richtet sich an Studierende im Bereich Produkt- und Industriedesign und wird von der James Dyson Foundation, der von James Dyson gegründeten Wohltätigkeitsstiftung, ausgeschrieben, mit dem Ziel, junge Menschen für Design-Engineering zu begeistern. Bernhard Hierner, Absolvent bei Industrial Design, konnte mit OSBI, beim Wettbewerb, den zweiten Platz belegen.

Open Source Brain-Computer Interface (OSBI)

Accessible brain-computer interface headset "OSBI is a wearable device that monitors activity in key areas of the human brain. Raw data and intuitive visualisations from OSBI's software can be used in a variety of ways, from health monitoring to use by artists, marketing teams, and experience designers. Imagine the brain is a baseball stadium. Its neurons are the members of the crowd. An EEG would be like a group of microphones placed outside the stadium. You'd be able to hear when the crowd was cheering and try to predict the type of thing they were cheering about. OSBI has 8 censors strategically placed (based on guidance from neuroscientists) to capture activity in maximally-relevant areas of the brain. They do this by tracking changes in electrical signals across different areas of the brain. The device connects via Bluetooth to a computer where the data can be processed. The neural activity detected by the censors is read and interpreted using OSBI's open-source software. These data can also be fed into further visualisation tools such as MATLAB, Grasshopper, or VVVV, via plugins. The output can be used for sleep diagnostics, attention mapping (including p300 tracking), motor imagery. The software and PCB need development. If I were to win this prize I would use the money to support these development costs. Outside of this, there is ongoing hardware development, taking an iterative approach to improvements based on feedback on the headset prototype."
Bernhard Hierner Auszeichnungen: Showcased Degree Show - University Art and Design, Linz - 2022 mehr zum Preis und Projekt:

Open Source Brain-Computer Interface (OSBI) © Bernhard Hierner

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Open Source Brain-Computer Interface