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Artist Talk mit Edgar Honetschläger

29. Juni 2021, 16.30 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Marlene Hausegger, Abteilung Experimentelle Gestaltung, lädt zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein.

Zoom-Meeting beitreten us02web.zoom.us
Meeting-ID: 858 8872 1139
Kenncode: 308859

BEIJING / TAIPEI / VIENNA 2007, short film, installation

BEIJING HOLIDAY is a fairy tale. An ironic adaption of William Wyler’s ROMAN HOLIDAY featuring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. BEIJING HOLIDAY is a romance between the former first Lady of China, Soong Mei-Ling and the filmmaker Edgar Honetschläger. He, the Westerner, guides the sophisticated Lady Chang Kai-Shek through a thriving Beijing, showing her, what the very communists that won out against her, are doing at present. Nonetheless BEIJING HOLIDAY isn’t a cute puppet show. The film, by means of symbolism and metaphors, utters harsh criticism on how “naive” the West is dealing with mainland China. The filmmaker is not in favour of Soong Mei-Ling (even though he has to admit that he fell for her as a man), the Kuomintang or the ruling party of Taiwan. BEIJING HOLIDAY deals with the “fetish politics”. The film clearly states: Art need not be political, but it is a sign of a “sane” society, if the arts can be.

Edgar Honetschläger
is a visual artist, screen writer, filmmaker and environmental activist born and raised in Austria. In 1989 he moved from Vienna to NYC and in 1991 on to Tokyo which remained his home base until 2011. Since then he commutes between Vienna and northern Lazio (near Rome). Projects of his participated in art events like documenta X as well as international film festivals like the Berlinale. 2006 he founded the EDOKO Institute Film Production Ltd. Vienna, 2018 the non-governmental-organisation gobugsgo.org.

©️ Edgar Honetschläger