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Ashida Park

10. November 2020, 17.00 Uhr ONLINE

Im Rahmen des Seminars »Conceptronica. Pop und Konzepte« lädt die Abteilung für Kulturwissenschaft zum Online-Gastvortrag der beiden MusikerInnen und Label-BetreiberInnen Antonia XM & amblio (Antonia Matschnig und Markus Blahuš).

Online Talk auf Zoom
Meeting-ID: 968 3172 5451
Kenncode: 3KVZbn

Ashida Park is a label based in Vienna and is run by Antonia XM & amblio. The artists who are collaborating with Ashida Park are not united by one single genre, but rather by expressing their different views on current club culture and its congeneric equivalents. The label's work is strongly tied to a digital dialogue as most of the communication happens online and the artists are scattered across the world. Ashida Park label nights serve to create a space for intimacy & excess for its attendees as well as performers. A combination of dark rhythms combined with hyperemotional synths and occasional pop culture references shape those nights musically.


Gastvortrag von Ashida Park, November 2020