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Interface Cultures Studierende posten ihre Kunsttagebücher der Isolation auf der digitalen Plattform: COCO-lands.

The Interface Cultures (IC) students are very active despite the COVID-19 crisis !!

COVID-19 is the first viral epidemic that crosses a world in which individuals are increasingly similar to each other, living conditions increasingly standardized, consumption habits standardized.
This project tries to inspire people against the quarantine of their passions, against the virus as a social epidemic.
A group of international artists and friends share their personal art diaries of isolation through their new digital platform: COCO-lands. Each one posts in their own media format and from the location they are currently isolated in. They decide to do this as a ritual, without knowing when it might end - in order to understand and overcome a personal and social anxiety, along with the fear, panic and repression that are slowly becoming a crucial element of the globalized lifestyle.



Smirna Kulenović (Bosnia): concept curator, contributing artist (IC student)
Carla Zamora (Austria): coordinator and assistance, contributing artist (IC student)
Indiara Di Benedetto (Italy): graphic designer, contributing artist (IC student)
Tiia Suorsa (Finland): visual communication manager, contributing artist (IC student)
Juan Pablo Linares Ceballos (Colombia): web developer/designer, contributing artist (IC student)
Matthias Pitscher (Germany): web developer/designer, contributing artist (IC student)
Iosune Sarasate (Spain): contributing artist (IC student)
Balint Budai (Hungary): contributing artist (IC student)
Alejandro Quiñones Roa
(Colombia): contributing artist (IC student)
Sara Piñeros Cortes (Colombia): contributing artist (Time based-media)
Collective Lumen (Italy): 6 contributing artists
Félix De Rosen (France/US): contributing artist
Olivier Hölzl (Austria): contributing artist

If you want to join the resistance and become a contributing artist - send us your short bio + concept
proposal of your diary (total max. 500 words) at icocolands@gmail.com
We will come back in a few days after reviewing the content!
Stay healthy, stay sane, join our COCO-lands!



COCO-lands, 2020