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Digital Fashion Scenography : Walking on Shifting Ground

31. März 2022, 18.00 Uhr Online via Zoom

Fashion & Technology lädt zum Gastvortrag von Katharina Sand.

Online via Zoom: us02web.zoom.us
Meeting ID: 853 6515 4830
Passcode: 931609

How is the digital realm altering our perception of fashion and fashion spaces? Mixed reality runways, floating fixtures, and algorithmic grids are redefining fashion narratives, aesthetics, and audiences. Addressing the complexity and consequences of the new spatial turn of our domain.

Katharina Sand, Professor at the Fashion Department of UQAM (Montreal) and PhD Candidate in Digital Fashion Communication at USI (Lugano). She has taught at Parsons Paris, SCAD, HEAD-Geneva, and the Fashion & Technology Department of the Kunstuniversität Linz. She co-curated the exhibition Making FASHION Sense at the House of Electronic arts in Basel, and is a frequent speaker at international fashion conferences.


Image © Olivier Vouligny

Katharina Sand