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Filme im splace | KW 22

Wöchentlich wechselnde Filmpräsentationen splace am Hauptplatz, Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz

Aufgrund von Covid-19 mussten leider alle Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen an der Kunstuniversität Linz bis einschließlich August 2020 abgesagt werden. Um unseren Ausstellungsraum "splace am Hauptplatz" zu beleben, haben wir uns alternative Präsentationsmöglichkeiten überlegt und starten ab sofort wöchentlich wechselnde Filmpräsentationen.

Alle Studierenden der Kunstuniversität waren aufgerufen, Filmarbeiten einzureichen, die nun auf drei Monitoren im Fenster des splace am Hauptplatz gezeigt werden. Den Studierenden wird so die Möglichkeit gegeben, ihre Arbeiten und Projekte einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. Im Gegenzug erhalten die ZuseherInnen einen Einblick in das vielfältige Schaffen der Studierenden an der Kunstuniversität Linz.

Zu sehen in der KW 22 - von 25. Mai bis 1. Juni 2020
Ausstellung "SMART VILLAGE"

Just one month before this new coronavirus was reported, at the end of November 2019, about 30 teachers and students from Austria, (University of Art and Design Linz; space&designSTRATEGIES), and China, (Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts; School of Architecture & Applied Arts), assembled across 9 time zones to gather in Guangzhou. From there we took a 9-hour high-speed train ride, followed by another 3-hours in the bus, to arrive in Dong Men Kou village, Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province. We conducted a 10-day field survey of Dong Men Kou Village.

This yearlong, cross-school, cross-professional, and multinational academic investigation focused on the topic of "Smart Village". It aims to discover whether there is a kind of "smart" that exists in the daily life and work of the village which differs from the technology and digital "smart" in the city. This research topic also responds to the ‘digital highway of future cities’ discussed at the Shenzhen Biennale 2019, in which we presented our "Smart Village" exhibition alongside 60 other works from international universities, research groups and design groups.

The 3 films shown here were part of the exhibition and contains the student works, a making of and the ‚procession’ we went to bring the material from Dong Men Kou Village to Shenzhen Biennale.

The on-site research project of "Smart Village" is a time-based comprehensive dialogue between village and city, art and design, exhibition and teaching, East and West. The subjects, strategies, reproduction and excavation of the process can also act as a reference for the global pandemic we are experiencing and the reconstruction of daily life after disaster.

space&designSTRATEGIES, University of Art and Design Linz, Austria School of Architecture & Applied Art, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China

Project Leader
Ton Matton, ZHENG Xian, YANG Yiding Participating TeachersPepi Maier, Gwinner Florian Georg, WEN Yinghua, HE Wei.

Participating Students
Muhl Theresa, Simbürger Jana, Netzer Sophie, Reyer Kerstin, Saatze Tobias, Holzinger Elisabeth, Schrenk Christian, ZHANG Peiyan, XU Xiaoxue, HU Yue, QIU Jianmin, CHEN Guiling, LI Wei, PAN Hong, MA Xulong, GONG Bowei, WANG Haiou, LIN Zisheng, HUANG Hui.

Stadt Linz Kultur, Land Oberösterreich Kultur, Kunstuniversität Linz, Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Chongqing,  Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Shenzhen Biennale

Special Thanks
Bertrille Snoeijer, Rianne Makkink, TANG Chengji, TANG Huyu, CHEN Zhizhong, Dong Men Kou Village, Communist Youth League Committee of Wenchuan County, Shenzhen Design Center.

© Jürgen Grünwald