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Hope, reality, and an industry in transition: Circular designers needed

19. Mai 2021, 18.00 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Fashion & Technology lädt im Rahmen der Reihe "Change Wear" zum Gastvortrag von Traci Kinden, Founder, REvolve Waste.

Online via Zoom: cutt.ly/LbSubRa

What is the difference between designing for circularity vs. being a circular designer?

New technologies, business models, and design principles are headline topics in sustainable textiles and fashion today. These concepts are typically tucked under the umbrella of “circularity”, and industry, government, and academia are all working feverishly to develop and implement solutions for our sizable waste, climate, and exploitation problem. This session will take a look at circularity from the perspective of textile resources (waste and recycling) and discuss the role of the designer in a truly circular industry.  
Bio: Traci Kinden, Founder REvolve Waste

Traci’s unexpected career in textiles started with production graphics for textile printing. She quickly transitioned to an Innovation role within NIKE, where she focused on technology and process development for footwear customization. This role provided a critical introduction to the textile supply chain, product manufacturing, and complex, multi-stakeholder projects, which she used to cultivate unique expertise in circular textiles. Since 2013, Traci has developed a deep understanding of textile waste and recycling through hands-on learning and a relentless drive to develop solutions to the textile industry’s linear problems. She has applied these skills to projects including automated textile sorting technologies, textile resource mapping, textile recycling feedstock estimates and technology evaluations, and multi-stakeholder engagement for clients across the globe. Her consultancy, REvolve Waste, works with companies, non-profits and industry consortia to develop new opportunities, business connections, and materials flows for a circular textile industry. 


Gastvortrag "Hope, reality, and an industry in transition: Circular designers needed", 2021, Flyer Vorderseite