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I: project space

9. März 2021, 14.00 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Die Experimentelle Gestaltung lädt zum Gastvortrag von Anna-Viktoria Eschbach und Antonie Angerer von I:project space / Beijing.

Vortrag via Zoom
Meeting-ID: 862 0596 8224
Kenncode: 479475

I: project space is a platform for international art discourse and exchange and was founded 2014 by the two curators Antonie Angerer and Anna-Viktoria Eschbach. In Beijing, China Dedicated to build support structures for artists and open possibilities for long-term dialogues between artistic, curatorial, research and other modes of knowledge production I: project space is operating completely non-profit.

Collaborating with local and international cultural producers, I: project space is constantly building networks with other art spaces worldwide to join forces with like-minded spaces all over the world to share information and to expand the impact of an independent art scene.
Exchange and dialogue should not become empty phrases, but have to be implemented into actions. The programming of the space is framing the research projects, the residency and exhibitions with an on-going discourse about current questions on contemporary art.


Recent projects include:

Beijing22 beijing22.org
Beijing22 is an open, independent, long-term curatorial project, which will investigate the dynamics of Beijing’s urban space in the five years preceding the Olympic Games in 2022. Over this timespan, Beijing22 manifests itself in exhibitions, publications, talks, conferences and other activities, thereby archiving the various perspectives of artists, curators, academics and journalists from China and abroad.

tria publishing platform www.tria.ch
tria is an independent publishing platform based in Zurich and Beijing. tria focuses on unique projects and develops new concepts for printed matter for and with contemporary artists. tria invites cross-disciplinary thinkers and producers to reinvent and confront new realities of mediation. tria publishing platform was started by curators and art critics Antonie Angerer, Anna-Viktoria Eschbach and graphic designer Sonja Zagermann in 2015.

Feminist South feministsouth.com
Feminist South is a curatorial project and research platform spanning across 2017-2019 that aims to generate discussion on contemporary feminist practice located in and around Asia, Australia and the Pacific regions.

Independent Art Spaces www.iasbeijing.org
Independent Art Spaces Fourth Edition Launch of IAS Map 2019 affirms cohesion, resilience of capital’s alternative spaces    With:  Aotuspace 凹凸空间 / Arrow Factory 箭厂空间 / A2...

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