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13. Jänner 2021, 18.00 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Online-Vortrag von Künstler und Filmemacher Lukas Marxt im Rahmen der Reihe Schnittstelle.

Vortrag via Zoom
Meeting ID: 838 2678 4326
Passwortanfrage: viskom.info@ufg.at


Lukas Marxt (*1983, Austria) is an artist and filmmaker living and working between Cologne and Graz. Marxt’s interest in the dialogue between human and geological existence, and the impact of man upon nature was first explored in his studies of Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Graz, and was further developed through his audio visual studies at the Art University in Linz. He received his MFA from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne, and attended the postgraduate programme at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig.

Marxt has shared his research in the visual art and cinema contexts. His works have been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions, most recently at the Zentrum für Kunst und Medien Karlsruhe (2020), Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum for Contemporary Art (Berlin, 2019), at Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, (Krems 2019), at the Torrance Art Museum (Los Angeles, 2018), The Biennial of Painting, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (Belgium, 2018), and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Rijeka (Croatia, 2018). His films have been presented in numerous international film festivals including Locarno Film Festival (Swiss, 2019), Viennale (Austria, 2020 and 2019), Berlinale (Germany, 2017 and 2018), Curtas Vila do Conde (Portugal, 2018), and the Gijón International Film Festival, where he received the Principado de Asturias prize for the best short film (Spain, 2018). Since 2017, Marxt has spent a considerable amount of time in Southern California, where he has researched the ecological and socio-political structures surrounding the Salton Sea.

Seit 2011 ist die Vortragsreihe Schnittstelle fixer Bestandteil im Lehrangebot der Abteilung Visuelle Kommunikation. In der Lehrveranstaltung sind renommierte Künstler- und Designerpersönlichkeiten zu Gast, deren Arbeiten sich durch interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung an der Schnittstelle von Gestaltung und Fotografie auszeichnen. Das Format findet mehrmals im Jahr statt.