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stitch designlab

15. Dezember 2020, 18.30 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Fashion & Technology lädt zum Vortrag von Emily Roosen.

Online via Zoom: us02web.zoom.us
Meeting-ID: 874 0120 2501
Kenncode: L9Jc7a

Emily has been working in the fashion industry for 12 years. In the past 6 years she has specialised in digital product creation and 3D transformation.
Her focus and work has been around digital transformation and changing the way we create product in the fashion industry; in particular innovation, scalability and creativity through the use of digital tools.
Now at STITCH, she is combining these forces together with the STITCH Academy, Customer Experience and the STITCH Digital workflow to help companies revolutionize the way they work.
For more info check ou stitch3d.com

Talk intro: My talk will be around the digital revolution in Fashion that is happening right now. How does this transformation manifest itself in a bigger company where this shift needs to happen at scale. What are the advantages of this digital transformation and how can students best set them themselves up for success to adapt to this changing environment. It will be a mix of information sharing and practical advice.

© Emily Roosen