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Uncomfortable Clothes #02

9. November 2020, 18.30 Uhr Online via Vimeo

Fashion & Technology lädt im Rahmen von "Uncomfortable Clothes" zum Talk von Turbo Avedon.


LaTurbo Avedon is an avatar and artist, working solely from the Internet. Their work emphasizes the practice of nonphysical identity and authorship.
Over the past ten years they have explored the growing relationship between users and virtual environments. They create this body of work using the simulation tools of the current moment.
Avedon’s work centers on the societal embrace of technology, as notions of person and user – art and artist, all experience this moment of synthesis.
They curate and design Panther Modern, a a file-based exhibition space that encourages artists to create site-specific installations for the internet.
LaTurbo’s process of character creation continues through gaming, performance and exhibitions. Their work has appeared internationally, including TRANSFER Gallery (New York), Transmediale (Berlin), Haus der elektronischen Künste (Basel), The Whitney Museum (New York), HMVK (Dortmund), Barbican Center (London), Galeries Lafayette (Paris). and most recently the Manchester International Festival.

"Uncomfortable Clothes" is a series of talks on the complex dimensions of fashion, technologies and clothing and their constitution, hosted by Fashion & Technology.

Uncomfortable Clothes #02, talk series by Fashion & Technology, Nov. 2020; talb by Turbo Avedon