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Video-Gastvortrag Sophie Thun

21. April 2020 ab 16.00 Uhr zoom.us

Die Abteilung Experimentelle Gestaltung lädt per Videomeeting zum Gastvortrag von Sophie Thun.

Thema: Zoom-Meeting von Anna Jermolaewa

Zoom-Meeting beitreten: us04web.zoom.us
Anfragen zu Passwort und Meeting-ID bitte an: christine.winner@ufg.at

The talk will focus on the artist's upcoming exhibition at secession, Vienna.

Sophie Thun (*1985, lives and works in Vienna). Recent and upcoming exhibitions include: 2020 ART FOYER, Frankfurt, Stolberggasse at Secession, Vienna, Extension at C/O Berlin, 2019 Interiors of Photography with Mladen Bizumic at Camera Austria, Graz, Extended Double Release at Galerie 52, Universität der Künste Folkwang, Essen, After Hours at Sophie Tappeiner, Vienna; DAGUERRE’S SOUP at Kunstforum Wien Tresor; 2018 Lightbox at Kunstraum, Munich, Les Rencontres de la Photographie, Arles. Since 2015 Thun is part of the collective <dienstag abend>.

SECESSION; Fotos © Sophie Thun