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Bleed Design Studio gewinnt Bronze für das Projekt University of Arts Linz


University of Arts Linz

The University of the Arts Linz is set among Austrias most important art universities and is a hot spot for cultural encounter in the region. Founded in 1947 and established in the spirit and tradition of 1920’s/30’s german Bauhaus, its didactic and scientific approach is based on three main pillars intermediality, spatial strategy and artistic research. The University fosters diversity, cross-discipline work, experimentation and an open mind for exploring the arts. The new identity with is based on a fluid system with a strong yet dynamic logotype at its very center. As a visual vessel the bilingual logotype radiates the universities international mindset and open spirit with opening space for all sorts of content, individual expression and communication. On small scale application the logotype transforms into a distinct icon to complement University of Arts Linz visual profile, approach and message.

Creative Directors: Astrid Feldner
Designers: Marc Damm and Jana Papiernikova
Type Designer: William Stormdal and Halvor Nordrum
Motion Designer: Sara El Abed
Creative Director: Svein Haakon Lia
