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Teaching robotic dogs new tricks

25. April 2018, 15.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3. OG, DO.03.27

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von France Cadet

In this talk France Cadet will present a series of projects that involve the audience with customized interfaces like her "sweetpads" that players have to caress and stroke with delicacy in order to move and shoot, a series of subverted educative toys for adults that parody dogmas and point out stereotypes in terms of gender, or artworks that allow collectors to build their own hybrid creatures (DIY puzzles, serigraphs printed with a scratchable ink…), and finally her recent series "My love, the robot" exploring the fusion of human and machine, involving 3D printing, holograms, and interactive digital prints. 

France Cadet
is an artist who produces robotic installations and ludic interactive devices. Most of her artworks tackle serious problems but in an ironic way. 
In a large part of her work she uses a commercial robotic dog on which she performed surgery, customized their forms, and reprogrammed them with unusual behaviours. These new strange creatures allow her to embody questions concerning animals’ rights. At the beginning she was more focused on the boundaries between human and animal, simply using the robots as a medium, then she became interested in using them for their intrinsic robotic qualities, hence questioning the relationships between humans and machines, and the possibility of robots to express emotions and desire. 
She is the head of the robotics lab in the Aix-en-Provence School of Art, and was a professor at the renowned School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In addition, she has been giving robot-like training workshops for several years.

© France Cadet