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A trip by the river trough punk & new media art in Bilbao

26. Juni 2017, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Txema Agiriano im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

This conference is a walk by the riverside of Bilbao in which Txema Agiriano tells us his professional trajectory. This trip begins in the 80s in a city that was undergoing an industrial reconversion. At that time the author edited fanzines, was DJ, collaborated in free radio stations and was an underground artist. Years later the Guggenheim Museum is installed in Bilbao and the city changes its appearance and activity. In 2002 Agiriano created the MEM Experimental Arts Festival and since then he works as curator and independent cultural manager. The landscape of this walk is the most advanced art generated in the Basque Country.

Txema Agiriano,
born in Bilbao (Spain), is an university degree Expert in Art and New Technologies. He works as curator, researcher, art critic and cultural manager. He has curate exhibitions in Museums, Art Galleries, Festivals and Cultural Spaces in Spain (Museo Guggenheim, Universidad Laboral Gijón, Universidad de Valencia, Archivo Diputación de Alava, BBK Gran Vía Bilbao,…) and also in Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Sydney, New York, Washington DC, Marseille, Copenhagen, Parnü (Estonia), Istanbul...In 2002 he created MEM, International Experimental Arts Festival, where he is artistic director and curator. Since 2010 he is responsable for International Photography Contest ExperimentoBio and since 2011 also for Bideodromo International Experimental Film and Video Festival.  His other more outstanding project is Cultural Recipes, a program of cultural activities, meetings, lectures, debates and workshops to approach todays reality of the interdisciplinary artistic production.
