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Art Meets Radical Openness

Workshop: 17. Mai, ab 13.00 Uhr; Konzert: 18. Mai 2018; 22.00 Uhr Servus Clubraum, Stadtwerkstatt

Festival dedicated to Art, Hacktivism and  Open Culture

Jens Vetter und Stefan Tiefengraber, Interface Cutures Studierende, betreuen im Rahmen des ART MEETS RADICAL OPENNESS Festival den Workshop "Rapid Song Prototyping" und veranstalten das Konzert "Welle".

WORKSHOP "Rapid Song Prototyping"
13.00 bis 18.00 Uhr

Designing musical patterns for media art tools, installation and performance is often a challenge, especially for media-art artists at the intersection of technology and performance. Simple approaches from conventional music and free improvisation can create a cross-benefit and help to create a condensed musical and sonic presentation. Open source tools such as SuperCollider or electronic circuits can be used not only for the conceptual compression of sound, but also for the deliberate organization of sound and sound events.

In this workshop, easily accessible organisational means, documentation strategies and basic structures of music are presented, with which a quick access to finished pieces can be achieved. On the basis of experiments with Supercollider or PD we will discuss and learn the principles of rapid song prototyping.

Jens Vetter (DE / AT)
Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)
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KONZERT "Welle Linz"
22.00 Uhr
With this project the two artists Jens Vetter and Stefan Tiefengraber set the audience in vibration with a melange of pure melodies and  electronic noise. The pieces tempt to sing along but also to dance. The forthcoming album "Dreck" spans an ironic arc over everyday problems  with technology until how far they affect our lives and determine relationships ("She is offline..."). An inner monologue we all know, Vetter gives us such a voice and screams out what we always wanted to sing out loud. At the latest at "Posten..." you want to record a video of the two and put it online, merging it with what is presented and making the moment unforgettable.

Jens Vetter (DE / AT)
Stefan Tiefengraber (AT)