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Artech 2015

19. März 2015 Obidos, Portugal

Christa Sommerer, Leitung von Interface Cultures gibt auf der International Conference on Digital Arts eine Keynote Lecture.

ARTECH 2015 is the Seventh International Conference on Digital Arts, this time hosted by Universidade Aberta in the ancient village of Óbidos, Portugal. The goal of the conference is to promote the interest in the current digital culture and its intersection with art and technology as an important research field, but also as a common space for discussion and exchange of new experiences.

Keynote speaker: Christa Sommerer
Title: Evaluating Interactive Art: from Attention Economy to the Art Market
Attention is becoming the new currency in our information and media society. The art market is using art as commodity that can be invested in, and on which one can make profit. That profit can be increased with the help of marketing and attention accumulation strategies. We will present a series of our recent interactive artworks that deal with the economy of attention and the evaluation of art value on the basis of user attention.
