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Betrachtungen zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte der Kuh vom Altertum bis zur QmusiQ

DI, 15. Nov. 2011, 20.00 Uhr Volksschule Schenkenfelden

Irmgard Falkinger-Reiter, Interface Cultures Absolventin, lädt zum Vortrag mit Konzert.

Mag. art. Dr. vet. med. Irmgard Falkinger-Reiter and her husband Dr. Gottfried Falkinger opened their veterinary praxis in Schenkenfelden, OÖ, near the Czech border on the 16th November 1981. For 30 years they have been dealing with cows in that region.
This year they took some of them to the Interface Cultures exhibition at Ars Electronica at Brucknerhaus. Media reported about this and a lot of people were interested to join Digital Cow Music.

aspects of art history and cultural history concerning the
" COW from  ANTIQUITY up to QmusiQ"

We invite all our clients, the people of Schenkenfelden, friends, relatives and all those who are curious to join us for this soiree with cattle and cows!

Free entrance
German language
