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Beyond New Media Art, Updated

24. April 2017, 17.00 Uhr Audimax, Domgasse 1, 1.OG

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Domenico Quaranta im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

Back in 2010, I published in Italian a book called Media, New Media, Postmedia, that was later translated into English and published in 2013 under the headline Beyond New Media Art. The book focused on the notion of (New) Media Art and on the relationships between the field, or World, of (New) Media Art and the world of contemporary art. Since then, many things happened in the field, that made the book extremely topical though a bit outdated: the rise of post-internet, post-digital art; a better integration of digital and post-digital art in the art market; the institutionalization of relevant figures from the field of Media Art; an increasing interest, from the field of contemporary art, to take on the topics and languages of the digital age. 

I would like to take the chance of this lecture to briefly reconsider these last 7 years, understanding how the relationship between the two art worlds developed, and raising the question of what’s left to do.

Domenico Quaranta
is a contemporary art critic and curator. His work focuses on the impact of current means of production and dissemination on the arts, and on the way they respond - syntactically and semantically - to the technological shift.
He is the author of Beyond New Media Art (2013) and the Artistic Director of the Link Center for the Arts of the Information Age.

Domenico Quaranta

Domenico Quaranta / Cyphoria Exhibition / Foto © OKNO studio Courtesy La Quadriennale di Roma