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Designing for an Interactive Cinema

Do, 26. März 2009, 9.30 - 11.30 Uhr Urfahr, Werk III, 2. Stock

Guestlecture: Chris Hales "Designing for an Interactive Cinema" (in english)

26.03.2009, 9.30 - 11.30 Uhr
Urfahr, Werk III, 2. Stock

About SMARTlab, Digital Media Institute, University of East London.
A few examples of Chris's interactive films to warm everybody up.
Different varieties of interactive storytelling and the delivery platforms for them.
What are the advantages of interactive storytelling?
Some historical examples of interactive narrative projects.
Problems to be solved and the typical tasks involved in creating an interactive story
Introduction to Kinoautomat.

Chris Hales is an internationally renowned specialist in exploring the "interactive moving image", as practitioner, educator and researcher. The interactive films that he creates are influenced by experimental film and by videoart, rather than by traditional dramatic narrative forms, and are usually one-man productions with all aspects of filming and use of technology carried out by the artist himself.
Currently based in the "SMARTlab" centre of the University of East London as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow, he taught full-time in higher education for many years in the crossover of art and design with computers, and studied MA Interactive Multimedia at the Royal College of Art, London.
His PhD "Rethinking the Interactive Movie", which developed the concept of "movie as interface", was successfully completed in October 2006. His cdroms have been selected at numerous film/multimedia festivals, and his touch-screen installation (showing a dozen or more of his interactive films) was presented in Seoul, Helsinki, Warsaw, Nagoya, San Francisco and Sydney (amongst other places) and was included in the landmark 2003 "Future Cinema" exhibition curated by the ZKM. In summer 2008 he exhibited a retrospective of most of his films in a 9-room exhibition as part of the Prague Triennale of Contemporary Art. He writes frequently about "interactive moving image", has taught almost 100 short workshop courses on this subject in numerous institutions in Europe, and is a regular speaker at international events. Recent projects include "Cause and Effect", an experimental interactive cinema performance which has been staged with Finnish colleagues in more than thirty international venues, and an AHRB-funded research project in Prague to rediscover the "Kinoautomat" from 1967 - the world's first interactive movie.
