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Digital Design Weekend 2018

22. bis 23 September 2018 Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Elf Interface Cultures Studierende beteiligen sich am Digital Design Weekend 2018.

The ACF London returns to the V&A Museum for the third year to participate in the Digital Design Weekend. The annual event brings together artists, designers, engineers, technologists and the public to celebrate and share contemporary digital art and design. We are building on the past success of cooperations with Ars Electronica who have this year facilitated our first collaboration with the Kunstuniversität Linz. The participating designers and artists are all students in the Interface Cultures programme founded by Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau. 

On Friday 21 September the ACF London hosts an evening of installations and performances to celebrate the launch of the V&A Digital Design Weekend and the Artificially Intelligent publication.

Digital Design Weekend participating artists:
V&A: Aesun Kim and Stevie Sutanto, Gabriella Gordilo & Irene Ródenas, Qian Ye & Melanie Tonkowik and Ben Olsen & Giacomo Piazzi
ACF London: Gabriela Gordillo and Jens Vetter.
Curated by Klimentina Milenova

Over the weekend the ACF London will open its doors to present works and a programme of accompanying events: The installations at the ACF London include Jens Vetter’s as Netz. 2, a spider’s web and interactive sound installation that responds to touch. Gabriela Gordillo presents an ongoing score made out of everyday life rhythms. Visitors can inscribe the frequency of a daily activity in a time frame of 24 hours. Aesun Kim deals with the question how machines can understand gestures in her performance Terminal 6. She presents a garment that embodies gestural codes and learns our body movements.

Digital Design Weekend: Performance Evening
Saturday 22 September, 5.30pm, ACF London
Jens Vetter presents a sound-performance entitled Schrittweise featuring Tquencer and custom electronics while Gabriela Gordillo shows in her interactive performance Arrythmia how everyday rhythms can be turned into sound compositions. Visitors are invited to inscribe the frequency of their daily activity and be part of the performance.


Online-Radiobericht im
Ö1 Morgenjournal
7:27 Londoner Designfestival mit Linz-Achse
In London ist am Wochenende das diesjährige Designfestival zu Ende gegangen. Mit über 400 Events hat sich die britische Metropole einmal mehr als Dreh- und Angelpunkt für Kunst und Innovation präsentiert - mit dabei waren junge Designer und Künstler aus Linz.
Gestaltung: Leonie Heitz

Aesun Kim, Terminal 6