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Electronic Pirouettes: sound as movement in circuitry

17. Mai 2022, 13.00 Uhr Tangible Music Lab und ONLINE

Das Tangible Music Lab lädt zum Gastvortrag von Ioana Vreme Moser.

Ioana Vreme Moser (b 1994) is a Romanian sound artist engaged with hardware electronics, speculative research and tactile experimentation.

In her practice, she uses rough electronic processes to obtain different materialities of sound. She places electronic components and control voltages in different situations of interaction with her body, organic materials, lost and found items and environmental stimuli.

From these collisions, synthesised sounds emerge to carry personal narrations and observations on the history of electronics, their production chains and wastelands and entanglements in the natural world.

Dominated by alternative circuitry, bits and pieces of leftovers and subtle humour, Ioana's work resounds in installations, sound sculptures, handmade instruments, sound-performance setups or workshops.


Vor Ort: Tangible Music Lab, Tabakfabrik Linz, Peter-Behrens-Platz 8-9
Online: tamlab.ufg.at

