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Error 404. Territories of Absence

bis 8. Oktober 2017 MNAC Bukarest (National Museum of Contemporary Art), Rumänien

Interface Cultures Studierende Mihaela Kavdanska zeigt im Rahmen der Ausstellung ihre Arbeit "The Vicious Circle".

Error 404 is a group research exhibition which starts from the message received by internet users when trying to access a broken website or a corrupted page link. The phrase Error 404 acquires here a rather metaphorical sense, the error being not only the sign of a system failure, but the mark of possible territories of absence. This may be the case of absence of a functional and communication space, of information itself, whether they are part of the real world or the virtual realm. However, this absence is not a lack but rather a temporary suspension of presence.

Alexandru Antik (RO), Gary Hill (US), Kinema Ikon (RO), Mihaela Kavdanska (RO/BG/AT), Yann Le Guennec (FR), Klaus Obermaier (AT), Pipilotti Rist (CH), Dilmana Yordanova (RO/BG)

Curator: Horea Avram
MNAC Coordinator: Adriana Oprea
Partner: ElektroArts Association

"The Vicious Circle" /  Mihaela Kavdanska (RO/BG/AT) / 2013

One channel video, 2:10 min, loop
Music: Sorin Păun “Randomform”

Personal space undergoes continuous movement and transformation. When it interferes with another personal space, there appear mistakes and glitches, which become fluid or become vicious circles, loops of error between two personal spaces. Humans are a line in continuous movement: they dilate, they contract, they relax and they get tense, they become someone else, they form a body, they connect with another body, they become space itself. Or the other way around: the body, the character is reduced to a line of energy in continuous movement.
The hula hoop, generally used as performative object or as entertainment, is brought here into an everyday, “uninteresting” space, in which it is completely stripped of its usual significance. The hula hoop twirling executed by the two characters standing face to face visualises the continuous influence that we exert, willy-nilly, over our personal space, thus becoming a symbol of the continuous exchange of invisible flow of energy. Only the circular movement, almost meditative in its repetitiveness, is common to the vicious circle and the hula hoop, and thus can turn an error into a vice.
The Vicious Circle is a self-referential, but also generally valid, work. It is part of a series of interactive videos and audio-visual installations, in which hula hoop twirling, reduced to its banal dimension and performed in various common spaces, involving ordinary couples (or former couples) with no performative intention, reflects the vicious circles in which the characters turn in their inter-human relations. Might errors take us out of our vicious circles?
(Mihaela Kavdanska)


"The Vicious Circle" © Mihaela Kavdanska, 2013

"The Vicious Circle" © Mihaela Kavdanska, 2013

"The Vicious Circle" © Mihaela Kavdanska, 2013