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From Bits to Reality – Designing Playful Experiences

2. März 2017, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Robert Praxmarer im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series.

Games and playful interactions have always been integral parts of human lives. HomoLudens [Huizinga, J. 1938] is a well-known historical work in the field and most of thesubsequent theorists have drawn inspiration from it. Serious games and games with apurpose are rather new emergent forms of this old wisdom. In my talk I will elaborateon my own practice to study, design and use playful experiences to educate, changebehavior or simply inspire. Questions like how art, media and storytelling can be used toform identities and beliefs or dismantle them will be discussed. Are we amusingourselves to death or are we conditioned mice in a labyrinth of capitalism.

Robert Praxmarer
Is an artist, developer and researcher with 20 years of professional experience. He studied Computer Science and was teaching at various art and tech universities (proud to have been abeginning part of Interface Cultures). He was a key researcher at Ars Electronica Futurelab for7 years and built up the department for Computer Games & Augmented Reality at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg. Furthermore, he was the head of the Center forAdvances in Digital Entertainment Technologies and the Pervasive Entertainment Lab Salzburg. In his professional career, he consulted and produced works for companies such as Vodafone,ORF, SAP, Ferrari, Bayer, Siemens, Lufthansa and UEFA. He received many international awards and scholarships and was an artist in residence of "Les pepinieres pour les jeunesartistes" of the EU at CIANT and the "Cité des Arts"-Program in Paris and presented his works in over 35 countries. His research and works are in interactive dramaturgy, computer games and the creation of immersive experience spaces in Mixed- and Cross Media Reality. Together with Thomas Layer-Wagner he heads Polycular an interactive design company for developing commercial solutions for playful advertisement and learning experiences for the futuregeneration.

Robert Praxmarer