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Holland Festival 2017

3. bis 25. Juni 2017 Amsterdam

Interface Cultures Student Stevie Jonathan Sutanto zeigt seine Performance "Mata dan Senar".

Mata dan Senar, 2015 by Stevie Jonathan Sutanto
A work for violin, viola, cello, piano, rebab, video projection, and multichannel speakers.

The title literally means 'Eyes and Strings,' which represents the materials used to compose the piece; sound materials from the strings, and visual materials from the eyes. All sound from the instruments are amplified, live-processed, and diffused to a multichannel system. The audio signals are also used to trigger the video processing and spacing. The conductor then notice the changes of the video and then react to it in timing and dynamic. Intonation difference from rebab to the other western instrument create another unique sound palette. That color difference is then complimented by the unique intonation of piano's and strings' harmonics, as well as the live-recorded fragment of the instrument's sound in different speed and pitch.
The feeling of having someone watching the musicians from behind while performing makes the discourse somehow calm yet so intense. From the audience's perspective, the comfortable state of watching a performance on one direction to the stage is confronted by the sound spatialization.


Mata dan Senar © Stevie Jonathan Sutanto, 2015