26. Juni 2012, 18.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG
Interface Cultures lädt zum Vortrag "Interactive Multimedia and Multimodal Interfaces in Art and Cultural Heritage" von Nuno Correia.
This talk presents interactive multimedia and multimodal systems used in diverse environments. The technologies, including new sensors, interaction surfaces and semantic information processing techniques will be described in the context where they were used. The systems result from collaborative projects in several fields, ranging from cultural heritage to contem-porary art and dance. Recent work, with multidisciplinary teams, on dance annotation to help choreographic work and interactive installations to foster environmental sustainability awareness will be described. The talk will also include the ongoing digital art TimeMachine project. This project proposes new ways to present (and predict) human routines in mobile devices with the goal to stimulate reflection. The academic and research environment and programs in which this work is done will also be described.
Nuno Correia
is a Professor at the New University of Lisbon, where he teaches Multimedia Computing and Image Processing, and heads a research group of CITI (Research Center for Informatics and Information Technologies) on multimedia information processing and interaction – Interactive Multimedia Group (IMG). He was a researcher at Interval Research, Palo Alto, CA, and a researcher at INESC, Portugal. He participated in several EU funded projects, on multimedia programming environments and authoring tools. He has worked and directed projects on augmented environments, mobile storytelling, and multimedia tools for learning. Current projects include video archives, multitouch and pen based interfaces for exploring art collections, medieval manuscripts and dance annotation. Nuno Correia is co-director of the national program on Digital Media in cooperation with UT Austin. He was the Program Chair of MobileHCI 2010 and Co-Chair of ACE 2011.