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Laiterie Les Bouillants

7. April bis 9. Juni 2013 Vern-sur-Seiche, Frankreich

Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Leitungsteam von Interface Cultures zeigen ihre Arbeit "The Value of Art".

The Value of Art
© 2010, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
The Value of Art is a series of interactive experiments dealing with the value of art in a conceptual and pragmatic way. We transform existing paintings that we buy at auction houses. We equipped them with sensors that can measure the exact time viewers spend in front of the painting. A small thermal printer is also attached to the frame of the painting. The initial value including all expenses and costs appear printed out on the paper of the thermal printer at the beginning of the first exhibition. Once The Value of Art interactive painting is shown, the work will start counting the number of visitors and the amount of time they spend looking at the painting. 10 seconds of a viewer's attention amounts to 1 Euro value increase. Through our integrated sensors the painting will constantly update its value, making the whole process of value creation for this artwork totally transparent. The more visitors look at the work, the more valuable it will become. The Value of Art is a critical reflection on the economy of attention, the relationship between artist, artwork and audience.
See at video at:
