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Misdirection and Mixed Realities

12. November 2014, 14.00 Uhr Interface Cultures Lectures room, K2, 3. OG

Interface Cultures lädt im Rahmen der IC lectures series zum Gastvortrag von Alex Davies.

An approach to the development of virtual characters in mixed realities whereby the audience no longer suspends disbelief during the media encounter,  but think that the characters are actually real and physically present. These characters are used in the development of spatial narrative scenarios and will be discussed in the context of several works by the author, Dislocation, The Black Box Sessions, and The Very Near Future.

Alex Davies is a Sydney artist and Lecturer at UNSW, Australia whose practice spans a diverse range of media and experiments with interaction, technology, perception, mixed reality and illusion. In 2013 he was awarded a PhD in Media Arts examining the relationship between the techniques of stage magic and the creation of illusion in media arts. He has exhibited widely in Australia and internationally, is the recipient of Qantas Foundation, Contemporary Australian Art Award, and has received extensive funding from the Australia Council’s Inter-Arts, Music, Visual Arts, and New Media Boards.