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New Technological Art Award 2016

5. Nov. bis 4. Dez. 2016 Gent, Belgien

Alessio Chierico, PhD Studierender und Absolvent von Interface Cultures, nimmt mit seiner interaktiven Arbeit "Trāṭaka" am internationalen Wettbewerb "New Technological Art Award 2016" teil.

Es beteiligen sich 487 Kandidaten aus 59 Nationen.

Trāṭaka ist unter den 19 nominierten Werken und wird nun in einer Ausstellung präsentiert.

Trāṭaka is an interactive installation based on a brain-computer interface.This installation is composed by a brain-computer interface that detect the brain waves and defines parameters like the level of attention. Wearing this device, the user is invited to concentrate his attention on a flame placed in front of him. The level of attention detected by this system, controls an air flow located under the flame: higher level corresponds with a more intense air flow. The interaction process aims to the user engagement for increase his attention in order to put the flame out. This will happen when the highest level of attention is reached: the air flow become strong enough to extinguish the flame.

