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Poetics of Politics (PoP)

23. Juni 2017, 10.00 bis 18.30 Uhr Domgasse 1, Audimax, 1. OG

Die Abteilung Interface Cultures lädt zum Symposium.

Artists, hackers, political scientists, cultural producers, educators and students – Poetics of Politics (PoP) is an one day boot camp in artivism, supported by Interface Cultures.

Our current social order is surely reaching a critical period of its time. With the rise of ethno-nationalparties and fragmentation of European Union, authoritarianism feed on xenophobia generated by 'terrorism'. Can we find the possible new vision, structure, model and tool through the act of art? The program includes symposium, temporary library, workshop and performance:

10.00 Uhr Introduction by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer and PoP Team
10.30 Uhr Ubermorgen
11.15 Uhr Robert Pfaller
12.00 Uhr Reading Room intro and Lunch break
13.30 Uhr Workshop
- Politics of Mobile by Mario Romera
- 2057: Speculative Climate Feature by Gabriela Gordillo & Julia Nuesslein
15.00 Uhr Maxilian Thoman - Future of Demonstration
15.45 Uhr Monika Mokre - How to be a Political Activist?
16.30 Uhr Stefanie Wuschitz - Feminist Hackerspaces
17.15 Uhr Tea break
17.30 Uhr Workshop presentation and Panel Discussion
