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Public Space 2.0

30. Okt. 2012, 11.30 bis 13.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Evolving Spaces along Network Technologies

Gastvortrag von Sandrine Klot im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series.

In discussing works located in cross disciplinary fields such as architecture, art, design and new media, we compare different concepts of social space of interaction, aiming to develop a phenomenological understanding regarding recently emerging forms of the public.

In the context of the research project Public Space 2.0 we address the following main questions: how does the introduction of social platforms on the internet transform existing communication practices, and furthermore enrich social space of interaction? What impact may have experiences gained with social networks on our perception of the urban public? In discussing works located in cross-disciplinary fields such as architecture, art, design and new media, we compare different concepts of social space of interaction, aiming to develop a phenomenological understanding regarding recently emerging forms of the public. It becomes crucial to re-evaluate categories of the social and the political as inherent dimensions of public life, especially in respect to the fields of architecture and urbanism. In developing prototypes of wearable technology to monitor subjective behaviour as part of daily routines in public space, we aim to integrate empirical studies in the overall research work. Overall research topics were summarized in the
format of a manual.

Sandrine Klot is currently teaching in the field of study `space&designstrategieś at the University of Arts and Industrial Design, Linz.
In April of 2010, as project lead of an interdisciplinary research group she received a two year funding by the FWF_PEEK (Austrian Science Fund, Section Arts Based Research) to conduct interdisciplinary research work titled `Public Space 2.0́.

CV Sandrine Klot.pdf