7. bis 8. Mai 2009 Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8, Auditorium 1, 4010 Linz
lecture & workshop10:00 a.m till 1:00 p.m.
Workshop with the cultural philosopher Johann Gerhard Lischka on Thursday, May 7th and Friday 8th, 2009. Lischka is considered as a doyen within the media art scene, author of different books, author for the "Kunstforum international", curator und instructor at international colleges and academies. Main topic of the workshop will be the art term and its metamorphosis in the course of time in regard to the new media. His dialogues with Jean Baudrillard, Vilém Flusser, Niklas Luhmann, Siegfried J. Schmidt, and Peter Weibel and others will provide the basis for this seminar.