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Selfie Culture

23. Nov. 2018; 9.30 bis 17.30 Uhr Audimax, Kunstuniversität Linz, Domgasse 1, 1. OG

Die Abteilung Interface Cultures lädt zum Symposium.

Selfies are ubiquitous, in daily life and in art. Artistic forms of self-representation exist throughout history. They changed in the digital age with its online distribution forms. How did artistic-self representation develop in art history? How do traditional forms evolve in the digital age? The symposium SELFIE CULTURE examines the history of artistic self-representation as well as contemporary artistic practice. It gathers art historians and artists as speakers and invites curators, artists and scholars to participate.

Jonas Blume (Visual artist, Berlin), Anna Gehlen (Art historian and lecturer, University of Cologne), Carla Gannis (Artist and Adjunct Assistant Professor Digital Arts, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn), Martina Menegon (Artist and lecturer, Vienna), Tina Sauerländer (Curator and PhD candidate at Interface Cultures -Kunstuniversität Linz, Berlin)


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