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Servus D*sign Week 2021 of d*sign and p—litics

6. bis 11. Dezember 2021 Radio FRO

Interface Cultures Lehrende, Studierende und Absolvent*Innen nehmen an der Veranstaltung teil.

Konversationen und Workshops zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit "design". Organisiert von servus.at in Kooperation mit Radio FRO und Potato Publishing.
Die servus d*sign week – eine Woche mit Konversationen über Design und seine unterschiedlichen Bedeutungen. Aus der Sicht einer Initiative, die mit Open Source Tools und Internettechnologien arbeitet, kann “Design” gefährlich nahe ins kapitalistische Eck rücken.
Geladen sind kritische Designer*innen ein ihre Ideen über Alternativen und kritische Ansätze in Bezug auf Design zu teilen. Dazu gibt es eine Reihe an Radiogesprächen und Workshops.

Teilnehmer*innen sind: Christoph Haag, Libre Graphics Club, Mara Karagianni, Ruben Pater, Potato Publishing, Varia, im Gespräch mit Davide Bevilacqua and Gabriela Gordillo.

Interface Cultures lecturers, students and alumnis take part at the exhibition.

The Servus D*sign Week is a series of conversations about design and its critical implications. From the point of view of an initiative dealing with open source tools and internet technologies, we see how “design” can dangerously fall close to a corner smelling like capitalism, while is still part of our daily work and decision making. This week we invite designers and practitioners in the field to share their ideas on alternative practices and approaches to design, through radio conversations and hands-on workshops.

Servus D*sign Week is organized by servus.at in cooperation with Radio FRO and Potato Publishing.

Participants are Christoph Haag, Libre Graphics Club, Mara Karagianni, Ruben Pater, Potato Publishing, Varia, in conversation with Davide Bevilacqua and Gabriela Gordillo.
You can follow the conversations on Radio FRO fro.at 
Check out the full program and register at the workshops at dsignweek.servus.at


Program overview

Mo. 6.12.2021 // 17.00 to 18.00
A conversation with Christoph Haag

Tue. 7.12.2021 // 17.00 to 18.00
A conversation with Varia (Alice and Manetta)

Wed. 8.12.2021 // 14.00 to 16.00
Zine Generator workshop by Mara Karagianni
max 12 participants, pls register here

Wed. 8.12.2021 // 17.00 to 18.00
A conversation with Mara Karagianni

Thu. 9.12.2021 // 17.00 to 18.00
A conversation with Ruben Pater

Fr. 10.12.2021 // 14.00 to 16.00
Online Workshop by Libre Graphics Club
max 12 participants, pls register here

Fr. 10.12.2021 // 17.00 to 18.00
A conversation with Libre Graphics Club

Sa. 11.12.2021 // 19.00 to 21.00
A conversation with Potato Publishing & SD*W Team

Check the full program at the project website dsignweek.servus.at

A project by servus.at – Kunst und Kultur in Netz
In cooperation with: Radio FRO & Potato Publishing
Organized by Gabriela Gordillo & Davide Bevilacqua
Graphic concept and webdev: Juan Pablo Linares
Sound design by Cachichi
Funded by BMKOES, Kulturland OÖ, Linz Kultur

Servus Design Week

Libre Graphics Club

Caps-Lock, Rubin Pater

Zine Generator, Mara Karakianni