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The materiality of the moving image

MI 9. April 2014, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture lectureroom KO0311

Interface Cultures lädt zum Vortrag mit Cristian Villavicencio.

Cristian Villavicencio guest lecture is about his theory-practice based Ph.D. project currently developing in the University of the Basque Country, it focuses on questions around new ways of representing and perceiving the time/space in the moving image.

This research is part of the theory-practice based Ph.D. project that I am developing in the University of the Basque Country.

It focuses on questions around new ways of representing and perceiving the time/space in the moving image. This is achieved through an articulation of 3 aspects: (1) concepts that derive from the discipline of sculpture; (2) the modification of the traditional use of the camera and (3) the installation of the moving image in the same place in which the image was taken and that coincides with the exhibition space

These processes of creation show that the representation and perception of the audiovisual image is intimately related to the concepts of vision and body both in the way of making an artwork as in the way of reading it.

The objective is to increase the level of materiality of the moving image by establishing relationships between the "shooting time" (duration of the register), the "shot space" (representation of the space inside the image), "the time/space of the projection"(mise en scène), and the body (as displacement from the point of view), scale perception, volume and movement).

Cristian Villavicencio (b.1984, Quito-Ecuador) Lives and works in Bilbao, Spain. Artist and Researcher, is currently carrying out his Ph.D. project titled The materiality of the moving image, at the University of the Basque Country supported by a Ph.D.grant from the Department of Education, Universities and Research, Basque Government. His artwork has been exhibited in museums of the Basque Country like Centro Cultural Montehermoso Kulturunea (2014), Guggenheim Bilbao Museum (2013) and Sala Rekalde (2013).