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Vortragsreihe "Digital encounters"

14. April 2011 um 20.00 Uhr EsBaluard Contemporary Art Museum Palma, Mallorca

Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Digital encounters" spricht Univ. Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer, Leitung der Abteilung Interface Cultures an der Kunstuniversität Linz,  über "digital art".

Digital encounters is a lectures program with the curator and the artists of the exhibition to make an introduction in digital art and an approximation into the "Extimacy" speech. On this occasion, the guest is the artist Christa Sommerer.

Christa Sommerer studied Biology and Botany at the Universität Wien (University of Vienna), Art Education, Modern Sculpture and a Master’s degree in Art at the Akademie der bilden Künste Wein (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Laurent Mignonneau obtained the National Diploma of Art at the École Européene Supérieure de l’Image de Angoulême (France) and studied Video Art and a Master’s degree in Art at the same institution. They both completed a Post Graduate Study with Prof. Peter Weibel at the INM, Institut für Neue Medien (Institut for New Media) in Frankfurt. Sommerer and Mignonneau are pioneers in the research and development of interactive and artificial life systems applied to art, particularly in the field of interactive installations. They are Professors of Interface Culture at the Universität für Künstlerische und Industrialle Gestaltung (University of Art and Design) in Linz, Austria, and at IAMAS, International Academy of Media Arts and Sciences in Gifu, Japan. They have received many international awards, including the “Golden Nica”, Ars Electronica 1994. Their work has been exhibited at the Centre Pompidou (Paris), the Nykytaiteen Museo Kiasma in Helsinki, the Ars Electronica Center in Linz (Austria) and the Inter Communication Center Gallery (Tokyo), among others. They live and work between Kyoto and Linz.


Univ. Prof. Dr. Christa Sommerer