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VR Chat im AEC

8. März 2018, 13.00 bis 14.30 Uhr AEC, VR-Lab, Linz

Tamiko Thiel, Gastprofessorin bei Interface Cultures, lädt Studierende zum VR Chat ins AEC.

Hinterfragt wird die Rolle der Technologie in der Kunst sowie die Auswirkungen auf unser Leben.

Social VR Event Linz - London
Interface Cultures/University of Art and Design Linz at Ars Electronica Center, and the Wimbledon University of the Arts London at the Tate Modern

Social VR technologies allow people at different locations, wearing VR headsets, to meet and interact with each other embodied as computer graphic “avatars” in an immersive stereoscopic 3D virtual world.

As part of a week-long series of activities “Arts Work of the Future” at the Tate Exchange in the Tate Modern in March 2018, there will be a live event at the Ars Electronica VR-Lab linking up students and staff of the University of Art and Design Linz (Interface Cultures) with students and staff of ERASMUS partner Wimbledon/University of the Arts London (UAL).

Students from the University of Arts and Design Linz are invited to come by the AEC VR-Lab to participate (subject to VR headset availability). Participants in Linz will don VR headsets to play and interact with Wimbledon’s Haptic Collective in emergent social tactile activities. With a nod to International Women’s Day, the project will foreground these tactile activities as an open-ended conversation.


Contact: Tamiko Thiel, tamiko@alum.mit.edu, University of Arts and Design Linz, Interface Cultures, Visiting Professor of Augmented Reality

The Haptic Collective, UAL, is a VR collective led by Dr Lois Rowe. The Collective includes Alix Burgess, Panama Fernandez, Isabella Squizzatto, Tom Dils, Jimena Cieza de Leon, Nikita Russi, Kristina Thiele. The Collective explores the haptic as a set of open material relationships between time, space, and object. It seeks to provoke new critical understandings of how physical sensations ascribed to notions of the haptic – feeling, throwing, grasping – can be considered as new performative models for communication and knowing. It will, over the course of these events, present several worlds that participants can occupy and interact with through engagement with materialities within the programmes Unity, VRChat and Masterpiece VR. 

“Arts Work of the Future” is put on by the Tate Exchange Associate Digital Maker Collective, a group of artists, designers, staff and students from the University of the Arts London (UAL) who explore emerging digital technologies in arts, education, society and the creative industries. They are supported by Camberwell, Chelsea and Wimbledon Colleges of Arts (CCW), UAL

The Tate Exchange @ Tate Modern London is a collaborative initiative to bring together arts organizations, universities and the general public in exploratory arts activities.

Tamiko Thiel Haptic Collective VR Chat

Members of the Haptic Collective, Digital Media Centre, 2018

Lois Rowe speaking to Tamiko Thiel