People participate by wearing a device (MOODY®) that measures their excitement-level together with the distances between them. A clip on the ear measures the temperature constantly while a small light (rgb-led) shows the color/ level of excitement. The scale goes from blue (low excitement) to red (high excitement). All data is sent to a server. With the data of the excitements and mutual distances of the people, we will develop algorithms to visualize and even stimulate the ‘Energies between People’.
During the expo you can join the workshop where we will build devices, upgrade and test algorithms and embody the jewel while interacting with others. You are also invited to add topics to the device-manual and discuss the user-politics.
A world where everyone’s mask seems to fall off and where social interconnectivity is made aware. It can break the ice and change social constructions by making everybody more ‘sensitive’.
Manual Manifesto: Sebastian Sprenger
Production & Development: Jo Caimo, Jorge Guevara
Development & Technical support: Pieter-Jan Beeckman
Jo Caimo is a visual artist and inventor of objects and instruments. With his objects and instruments he investigates “the collective” versus “the inner”, and he therefore challenges the spectator to become part of his work. He develops effective measuring instruments and platforms through which we can better understand subconscious patterns and mechanisms in co-creation processes.
Interface Cultures Exhibition - Ars Electronica Festival 2021