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Kristina Tica

"PROMPT: WAR STORIES" © Kristina Tica, 2022
generative video installation textual experimentation, textile object openai gpt-3, clip+vqgan PROMPT: WAR STORIES is a project developed using GPT-3 and various pre-trained text-to-image models, through a series of text prompt inputs chosen by the author. These pre-trained models consist of quantified traces of reality and collective histories, becoming a substance for algorithms to generate content that recycles the past. On the borderline between sensitive content and an easy slip into topics of violence, this project explores the depths of the subconscious of these models, excavating the influences of media and online information exchange. These models build the spine of quasi-historical narratives simulated by the algorithms and often obfuscated with prejudice and misinformation, along with the author’s personal bias. Generated textual and image experimentations are presented as a hypertext object built as a tent. The audience is invited to enter the structure and observe a multi-layered narrative accompanied by generative videos. Crossing the Bridge - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2022

Interactive Installation, 2022
Interface Cultures