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Illusion of Communication

Team 2054:
Joann Lee, Younggon Kim

"Illusion of Communication" © Team 2054: Joann Lee (KR) & Younggon Kim (KR), 2023

Can we achieve perfect communication?
The artwork consists of three parts: 'Confiding', 'Sharing', and 'Spreading'. Users can experience unique communication. 'Confiding': user conversations are transformed into visuals.
‘Sharing’: is an open space for artist performances and translation.
'Spreading': users share their stories speaking into a sculpture. It records and transforms stories, which are then randomly played through holes in the sculpture.  People can hear stories from others and leave their own stories anonymously

Die Arbeit Illusion of Communication von Team 2054: Joann Lee (KR) & Younggon Kim (KR) wurde im Rahmen der Campusausstellung Resonating Selves - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2023 gezeigt

Ausstellungsanündigung/ Newsartikel

"Illusion of Communication" © Team 2054: Joann Lee (KR) & Younggon Kim (KR), 2023

Interaktive Installation, 2023
Interface Cultures