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Skin Street

Katsuki Nogami

"Skin Street" © Katsuki Nogami (JP), 2023

Since I moved to Europe, I've often felt like an outsider because of the color of my skin. Advertisements here typically feature only white people, which reinforces my perception of being a foreign object as an Asian.
Public art is an essential medium for finding my place in society.
I used high-resolution images of my skin texture to fill in my silhouette and scattered it throughout the city for people who don't want to see my insides.
After I experienced racism, Skin Street encourages me to interact with society and expand my comfort zone in this new city.

Die Arbeit Skin Street von Katsuki Nogami wurde im Rahmen der Campusausstellung Resonating Selves - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2023 gezeigt

Ausstellungsanündigung/ Newsartikel

"Skin Street" © Katsuki Nogami (JP), 2023

Interaktive Installation, 2023
Interface Cultures