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Andrea Corradi

Emulavoce; Foto © Juliana Tasler

"Emulavoce" by Andrea Corradi is an exploration of the sonic possibilities inherent in the morphing of human and artificial voices in real time. The project delves into the complexities of vocal manipulation, using the Macintalk programme of a Mac OS9 emulator to generate artificial voices. Despite the limitations of the programme, Corradi embarks on an experimental journey, collaborating with singers to explore various vocal articulations and generate different timbral results to create dynamic and evocative soundscapes.

"Emulavoce" wurde im Rahmen der Ausstellung “Cross-sections. Sediments of a near past” am OPEN DAY 2024 der Kunstuniversität Linz gezeigt

Ausstellungsanündigung/ Newsartikel

Inteaktive Performance, 2024
Interface Cultures