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Ulrich Brandstätter

Productive Gaming

Beginn des PhD-Programms / Start of the PhD-Program: WS 2015 Betreuung / Supervision:
Christa Sommerer
Margarete Jahrmann Productive gaming researches uponplaying activities of digital media yielding qualify-able outcomes. The goal of this thesis is to characterize the contexts in which players are able to channel creative play activities in order to achieve products, i.e. results that persist beyond the game virtualities.These characterizations are derived from literature surveys, expert feedback on relevant scientific contributions, and user feedback on foreverloops:the development of this thesis is closely tied to the realization of the commercial project foreverloops, a digital sandbox that facilitates the creation of multi-medial compositions.The main objective of this thesis is the characterization of productive gaming.To that end, a core requirement is an in-depth research concerning the state of the art, encompassing related projects, areas of research, and relevant art works.Besides delimitation and classification, several core metrics are appropriated:we examine the relevance of play phases (learning, free-form play, pursuit of individual goals, production) and inspect play oscillation effects.Also, we ascertain subjective engagement and the relevance of individually set goals.Most importantly, we show that productive gaming activities are perceived as play activities, they are fun and vary significantly from work experiences. As we consider productive gaming a process that yields qualify-able outcomes, relevant results are also examined.On that account, we provide a qualification of player results made with foreverloops.Relevant research subjects are aesthetics, similarities, but also subjective satisfaction. Kurz-Biographie / Short Bio
Ulrich Brandstätter, geboren 1980, gründete 2017 gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Marlene die Firma foreverloops GmbH in der Absicht, kreative Potentiale durch digitales Spielen und Experimentieren zu inspirieren und zu unterstützen. Seit mehr als 15 Jahren verknüpfen die beiden Gründer durch die Umsetzung zahlreicher Projekte Kreativität, Medien und Technologien auf spielerische Art und Weise. Ulrich Brandstätter hat mehrere Studien abgeschlossen und verfügt über Lehrerfahrung für die Themen Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2 und Game Design / Game Studies 3. Sein persönlicher Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die Zusammenführung von Spiel und Produktion, sowie die daraus entstehenden Wechselwirkungen und Synergien. Email-Adresse / Email-Address:
Ulrich Brandstätter