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Manuela Naveau

Abteilung Interface Cultures, Institut für Medien
November 2022

Erasmus Staff Mobility for Teaching

Mobilität durchgeführt an folgender Universität / Institution:
Institution:Mobility carried out at the following university / institution:
University of Technology Limassol and Cyens Centre Nicosia

Zeitraum / Duration of stay:
7.11. bis 14.11.2022

Name / Name:  Manuela Naveau

Abteilung an der Kunstuniversität / Department of the University of Arts:

Abteilung Interface Cultures, Institut für Medien

Meine Erfahrungen / Mehrwert / Ergebnis der Mobilität:
My experience / added value / outcome of the mobility:

One of the most important experiences that I took with me was about the exchange of valuable knowledge: On the one hand it was about transfer knowledge and discuss best practices methodologies, on the other hand it was about teaching, to develop new ideas for teaching and share them in the context of a common interest in the field of Art / Science.
As the Limassol University is connected with the Cyens Centre of Excellence, as scientific research center in the heart of Nicosia, a lot of topics like digitalization and its impact in general, critical data / data sovereignty, mediation strategies in the field of art, technology and society and a critical attitude towards it had been discussed. Art/science exchange took place in form of discussions, participation in workshops and  courses between the University of Art Linz / Department Interface Cultures, the Cyprus University of Technology / Department of Multimedia & Graphic Arts and the CYENS Centre in Nicosia.
As a next step we focus on a joint course on Critical Data within the Blended Intensive Programmes-BIP, that we got confirmed in the meanwhile.

Message an Kolleg*innen / Message to collegues:

There are different ways, how you start your staff mobility: either you don´t know the partner institution and this is why you have to go there. You have to evaluate the possibilities in order to understand the partner institution and their activities as well as ideas better; or you basically know your partners already and you have an initial plan and want to develop a collaborative project together with them (which was the case in my situation). Both starting points are fine and the staff mobility (if training or teaching) will support you to reach your goals.