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Getting Married in Renaissance Italy: The Process and the Customs

MI, 8. Juni 2011 um 16.30 Uhr Kl. Seminarraum, Kollegiumgasse 2, 4020 Linz

Die Abteilung Kulturwissenschaften lädt zum Vortrag von Konrad Eisenbichler, Professor for Italian and Renaissance Studies at the University of Toronto, Canada.

In order to understand what constituted a wedding in early modern Italy we need to set aside our modern understanding and look, with a more critical eye, at the documents (archival, literary, and visual) that describe such ceremonies. This presentation will focus on Renaissance Italy in order to provide a more nuanced understanding of what constituted a wedding. It will then examine some of the artworks of the time to identify a number of practices (sometime rather curious ones) that characterized such weddings.
