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Why look at Dead and Disabled Animals?

24. Juni 2025, 18.00 Uhr

Vortrag von Kornelia Boczkowska im Rahmen der Reihe relatifs.

From Thomas Edison’s infamous Electrocuting an Elephant until a recent surge of images of “animal crips” in social media, scenes involving dead, dying and disabled animals have proliferated on the screen since the beginnings of cinema, raising questions of anthropocentrism, animal, food and care ethics, animal suffering and welfare, violence and animal rights. However, while there are scarce accounts on how fictional narrative and documentary films capture the moment of animal death and how disabled animals function in social media, little is known about how dead animals and animals with physical limitations are represented in experimental film.

To address this question, Kornelia Boczkowska will discuss how experimental films bring in a dead and disabled animal viewpoint, shedding light on how avant-garde cinema de-animalizes and conveys a palpable experience of the suffering animal, which contrasts a more traditional representation of dead and disabled animals as commodified, fetishized, victimized and pitiable objects, often physically marginalized and devoid of their material bodies.

Kornelia Boczkowska ist Assistant Professor an der Adam Mickiewicz Universität, Poznań, Polen, Fakultät für Englisch. Ihre Forschungsinteressen liegen im Bereich des amerikanischen Avantgarde-Films. Ihr aktuelles Buch, Lost Highways, Embodied Travels (Brill, 2023), ist die erste ausführliche Studie zum Verhältnis von Road Movie und Experimentalfilm.

Die Veranstaltungsreihe wird von Anne von der HeidenHenning Engelke (Kunstuniversität Linz, Kunstgeschichte und Kunsttheorie) und Julia Grillmayr (Kunstuniversität Linz, Kulturwissenschaft) und dem Kepler Salon Linz ausgerichtet.


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Kornelia Boczkowska: Why look at Dead and Disabled Animals?