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Gastvortrag von Mladen Bizumic

23. November 2012, 15.00 Uhr Kollegiumgasse 2, Raum Nr. 1.47

Die Abteilung Bildhauerei - transmedialer Raum lädt im Rahmen des Tages der offenen Tür zum Vortrag von Mladen Bizumic.
Der Vortrag ist in englischer Sprache!

Over the last five years, Mladen Bizumic‘s art has been exhibited in the 10th Istanbul Biennale, the 2nd Moscow Biennale and the 9th Lyon Biennale; the Steirischer Herbst Festival; Neue Galerie am Landesmueum Joanneum, Graz; MAK - Museum für angewandte Kunst, Wien; Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin; Foundation d‘entreprise Ricard, Paris; Te Papa - The Museum of New Zealand, Wellington and other venues. Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2000; Master of Fine Arts in 2003 from Elam School of Fine Arts at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Currently Bizumic lives and works in Vienna where he is a doctorate candidate in Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften (Prof. Diedrich Diederichsen) at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. His thesis is named „When Images Travel: On Materialization, Dematerialization and Objecthood of Fine Art Photography.



Hotel Jugoslavija, Lamps, 2012, Installation view